Road House Movie Review: Casts, Producer, Director, Budget, Awards, Critics And Box Office

"Road House"
is a classic 1989 action film directed by Rowdy Herrington and starring Patrick Swayze, Kelly Lynch, Sam Elliott, and Ben Gazzara. The film follows a tough bouncer, played by Swayze, who is hired to clean up a rowdy bar.

  • Director: Rowdy Herrington

Main Cast: 

  - Patrick Swayze as Dalton

  - Kelly Lynch as Dr. Elizabeth "Doc" Clay

  - Sam Elliott as Wade Garrett

  - Ben Gazzara as Brad Wesley

  • Producers: Joel Silver

  • Budget: Approximately $15 million

  • Awards: The film didn't receive major awards, but it has gained a cult following over the years.

  • Critical Reception: Initially received mixed reviews, but it has since become a cult classic.
  • Box Office: Grossed over $30 million domestically.

"Road House" is known for its over-the-top action sequences, memorable quotes, and Patrick Swayze's charismatic performance. Despite mixed critical reception upon release, it has since become a beloved cult classic, celebrated for its entertainingly cheesy charm and iconic moments.


1. What is the plot of "Road House"?

"Road House" follows Dalton, a skilled bouncer with a mysterious past, who is hired to clean up a rowdy bar called the Double Deuce. As he tries to bring order to the bar, he encounters resistance from the corrupt local businessman, Brad Wesley, and falls in love with a local doctor named Elizabeth.

2. Who stars in "Road House"?

The main cast includes Patrick Swayze as Dalton, Kelly Lynch as Dr. Elizabeth "Doc" Clay, Sam Elliott as Wade Garrett, and Ben Gazzara as Brad Wesley.

3. When was "Road House" released?

"Road House" was released in 1989.

4. Who directed "Road House"?

The movie was directed by Rowdy Herrington.

5. Is "Road House" based on a true story?

No, "Road House" is not based on a true story. It is a fictional action film.

6. Did "Road House" win any awards?

While "Road House" didn't win major awards, it has gained a cult following over the years.

7. What is the budget of "Road House"?

The budget for "Road House" was approximately $15 million.

8. How was the critical reception of "Road House"?

Initially, the film received mixed reviews from critics. However, it has since become a cult classic and is celebrated for its entertainingly cheesy charm and iconic moments.

9. How did "Road House" perform at the box office?

"Road House" grossed over $30 million domestically, which was considered a success given its budget and eventual cult status.